Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Update: Woggy #7 Complete!!

Chalk up another win for democracy folks, Woggy #7 has been completed!!

I Can Check Off The Final Items From My List:
x get dressed November 4th morning in my voting socks (see left)
x go to my polling center down the block and vote! (see below)

It was a largely happy event for me, but filled with mixed emotions. I was happy to be participating in this important election. I was overjoyed to see my polling place full to the brim with my neighbors, who were not only participating in voting, but also joining me in actually performing the satisfying communal act of voting in person (which is not the standard in my county). I was joyful to share my fabulous voting socks and matching outfit with the voting populace. I was excited to think my candidates and issues might win.

However, I was quite sad and wistful to realize that unless I move to another state, I will never again participate in normal poll voting. As you may not actually be able to see from the sticker on my lapel (it says "farewell to polls"), this is indeed the last day for widespread poll voting in my county, which until now was one of two final holdouts in my state. You can read a nice rant about this topic here, or if you prefer, hear a wonderful paean to poll voting in Seattle here. Farewell, fair election polls! I loved ye well!!

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