Woggy #1 Update: BC Trip Scrapbook
I can now check some items off my Woggy To-do list:
X wait for photos and scrapbook cover,etc. to be delivered
X plan scrapbook layout
X create any needed text or other related content
X paste up first 7 days of trip
Things left to complete this woggy project:
- paste up remaining 5 days of trip
- punch holes in the pages
- assemble scrapbook
- clean up the disaster zone left behind by this project
- sit back on my couch with my scrapbook and reminisce about my fab trip
Woggy #3 Update: Learning Calculus
I can now check some items off my Woggy To-do list:
X order calculus video class
X actually begin watching calculus class
X finish watching Lecture 1 (and understanding it!)
Things left to complete this woggy project:
- download and print out supplemental materials for this class
- watch, take notes and do any problems required for Lectures 2 - 16
- donate some money to MIT's open coursework program for goodness sakes!
- download the second Calculus class in the series
- repeat steps 1 & 2 for second class
- go and read all those physics chapters I couldn't read before I understood Calc!