" I am currently in the process of setting this page up, but feel free to have a look around!That hopeful introduction has been adorning my page, oh, for at least a year now. I can't remember the date exactly, but it has been a sufficiently long amount of time that upon my return recently, I found the host site had actually changed their design almost completely. My message may be outdated, but the page itself looks immensely more lovely than it did when I last left it, all having nothing whatsoever to do with any amount of effort on my part. Now THAT is the sort of effortless aging I can get behind!
I should probably have something more interesting to say here in a few days. "
My initial setup of this page happened sometime after NW BrickCon 07, my very first convention ever that I have ever attended (even though, it is true, I attended as part of the open-to-the-public viewing part rather than the actual fan part. I have just not discovered that level of comfort with any of my assorted fandoms yet). In my enthusiasm and optimism that I would any moment now join my self up with my actual local fan community, I visited many websites and discovered all there was to know about playing with Legos as a respected member of society, known as being an AFOL. Having of course already had many photos of my Lego creations on my computer, and several Lego models sitting around waiting for more photos to be taken, I started setting up my MOC page here as soon as I discovered what the heck a MOC page (and in fact, what the heck a MOC) was.
After posting a few first photos, I put up my now hopelessly optimistic front page message and continued uploading over the next few days, categorizing and captioning until I had everything in my current and past creation history. All I needed to do was finish up a few last things like my profile pic and all would be done.
And so my page has sat since, leaving its optimistic message for any unsuspecting lego-fan passerby, who may to this very moment be waiting for my page message, Halloween skull head video, and real-life valentine photos to be updated any day soon now...
Things Left To Complete This Woggy Project:
- find that Lego mosaic pic I made of myself for my profile page
- upload my profile pic to my MOC page
- change my front page message to something a little more timeless
- find and figure out how to upload my Halloween skull video, or change my caption
- upload my real-life MOC pics of my Valentine MOC, and change surrounding text
- upload, folder and caption my more recent MOC pics
- start hanging out on MOC pages more regularly and actually try becoming a member of the community...