Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Update: Woggy #11

In pure woggy style, my best laid plans for writing 50,000 words of a high-seas adventure novel within the month of November (otherwise known as Woggy #11) did not pan out exactly as planned. However, as you can see above, I did in fact get 7413 words of that novel written, and now have a whole host of very interesting characters who now are developed enough to be quietly but insistently requesting completion of their story.

Therefore, while I was unable to complete the immediate goal of NaNo competition completion, this woggy project will now transform itself into a new set of goals directed at completion of the novel in general.

Things Left To Complete This Woggy Project:
  • begin writing my sea novel again
  • write 1,000 words of my story
  • repeat, repeat, repeat
  • dance a salty seamen's jig when I reach 50K
  • write 1,000 more words of my story
  • repeat, repeat, repeat until novel rough draft is complete
  • begin novel revisions
  • set new goal: getting novel published

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